Home Business 6 Tips for Commercial Kitchen Maintenance – 2024 Guide

6 Tips for Commercial Kitchen Maintenance – 2024 Guide

Source: ungerglobal.com

You have invested a lot of money in opening your own restaurant and it works great. This means that you have a lot of guests every day and that the people employed in your kitchen have a lot of work to do. It also puts all the equipment you have in the kitchen under a lot of effort and as a result, it gets quite dirty. And it can break down if it is overloaded and not maintained regularly. That is why it is very important that you maintain it regularly, because only one breakdown can ruin your profit for the next few days.

And that you still have to spend money on buying a new appliance that is much more expensive when used for commercial purposes than the one you buy for your house. So follow our tips for commercial kitchen maintenance to keep your business operational.

1. Start with refrigerators and freezers

Surce: pazproductionsnyc.com

While some other appliances in the kitchen only work while your restaurant is working, the fridge and freezer work 24/7. So you should start with them first and maintain and inspect them regularly. It is best to do this every 2 months. This is very important to you for several reasons. You must first clean them regularly so that bacteria and food debris do not accumulate.

Any food poisoning in your restaurant usually means the end for the food business. You also need to regularly clean the ice so that the engine does not overload and break down. If the refrigerator or freezer breaks down, you will lose a significant amount of money. Not only will you have to fix it or buy new one, but all the food you have will have to be thrown away, and every restaurant has large stocks of food.

2. Do not overlook employee training

Source: stpetehoodcleaning.com

It is very important that your staff is trained to work on the appliances they encounter on a daily basis. Have them read the detailed manual and have them watch tutorials. If necessary, even ask the factory to send someone to train them. This is very important for safety, as well as to get the best possible final product. Also, in this way, they will know how to maintain everything and thus extend the service life of all appliances in your kitchen. And you need to learn everything just like them, so that you can properly monitor their work and notice if someone makes a mistake.

3. Pay special attention to the deep fat fryer and grease trap

Source: aps-hoods.com

You need to pay special attention to appliances and generally all things that come in constant contact with fat. Fat will very easily cause clogging and damage if not removed regularly. The deep fat fryer, as its name suggests, is constantly in fat and therefore must be checked and maintained on a regular basis.

Follow the instructions to know how often it is needed, but our recommendation is to inspect every few days. It is very dangerous if something happens to a deep fat fryer because it can even cause a fire. You must have a grease trap by law and you must also not forget to empty it. This is already a job for professionals because special equipment is needed.

Read more about grease trap cleaning at https://greasetrapchicago.com/

4. Address the problem as soon as you notice it

Source: dnk-cleaning.co.uk

That is not your house, where nothing important will happen if one of the hobs on the stove does not work. You will use the others, and you will fix the broken hob at some point. Here, every small breakdown will have a big impact on your entire business.

So as soon as you notice any irregularity on any of the appliances, immediately call a professional to fix it. If you procrastinate with the repair, you will eventually have to buy a new appliance, instead of repairing it at a very low cost. It is also a matter of safety, as well as the successful operation of your food business.

5. Check air filters regularly

Spirce: gogreencleaning.info

Air filters will get dirty very often in a commercial kitchen. First of all, you have to clean and change them regularly because of the grease. And why is it so important? It is important because if the filters are clogged, the air flow will be reduced and this can lead to the failure of appliances, especially refrigerators and freezers due to overheating.

Also, it is important that your employees have a pleasant work environment and not work in a stuffy room. It can even be dangerous if the floor becomes too slippery from accumulating grease. And don’t forget to save on your electricity bill. Air filters consume much more electricity when they are dirty, and when you clean or replace them, you will notice savings.

6. Maintain fire extinguishing systems regularly

Source: benmartincleaning.com

In the kitchen, people are constantly working with high temperatures and that is why fire is something that can happen at any moment, every day. That is why it is necessary to have automatic fire extinguishing systems, which of course you have because you can’t get a permit to operate a restaurant without it. But it is not enough just to install such a system, but also to test and maintain it regularly.

Every few months, invite professionals to do a full system check. It is important that it is a licensed company because only they have the right to inspect such systems. Also, only if you have a certificate from a licensed company on regular maintenance of the system, you will be able to collect damages from insurance, if such a situation occurs.


No matter how nicely decorated the interior of your restaurant is, how good the location is or how friendly the waiters you have, the kitchen is what is most important for the successful operation of any restaurant. Above all, guests want delicious food. So pay maximum attention to the maintenance of each part of the kitchen in order to work long and successful.