In the past decade, it seemed like everyone got interested in hoverboards. We’ve seen people purchase them, we’ve seen how much they can help us have hours of fun, but we’ve also seen too many videos where people get injured. It is a known fact that kids want to follow the latest trends and that they have better ways of learning how to do things that many adults cannot.
When they first appeared on the market, even though these devices seemed fun, they had many flaws and they were pretty dangerous. As time went by, the companies that produce them made the needed changes, and nowadays, there are fewer and fewer reports that someone got seriously injured on them. As parents, we want to know that our child is always protected, so this begs the question, are these devices safe for children that are 7 and older?
In this article, we are going to give you some information on what you need to pay attention to if you want to purchase a hoverboard and we will talk if this decision is the right one. Know that the things we tell you here are just recommendations, and it is up to you to decide if you want to purchase this device for your children.
The speed of the board depends on the model itself. Even though most units have a top speed up to 10 miles per hour, you can find faster devices on the market. However, when we are talking about children, slower is better. If you want your kids to be safe, you should not buy them the fastest device you can find on the market.
Experts recommend that you should start with slower units that can go up to 8 miles per hour, and make sure that your little one knows how to use it. No matter how slow or fast the unit is, you should always make sure they are wearing protective gear. Even if they know how to use it, and even if they are extra careful, you should teach them that a helmet and knee pads are a must. You can purchase these items in almost every store that sells the hoverboards, or you can just buy them in a store that sells sports equipment.
The right device for your child
If you want to make sure that nothing bad will happen to your kid, and that you won’t have to worry about them every time they use the unit, you need to purchase something that is age-appropriate. These devices have a weight limit, so make sure you buy something that your kid can grow with. Don’t purchase something that your 7-year-old will grow out in a few months, but at the same time, don’t purchase something that is going to be too big for them.
Know that the bigger the device is, the harder it is to control, and if this is the first board your kid has ever gotten on to, they need to be able to learn how to control it with ease. Pay attention to the maturity of your kid as well, and if they are going to be able to take all the necessary precautions. Most devices have a slow mode option, so you may want to use that function when your kid is still learning how to control the unit.
Safety is the number one priority, but we also have to think about our budgets. Nowadays, there are hoverboards that can cost less than 100 dollars, but there are some that can cost up to several thousand. Know that depending on the price, you will get different features, and the cheaper models are usually made for children. The reason for this is not the quality, but the speed, motor range, and power they produce.
On Hoverboardforu you can check the reviews for some of the models that are less than 150 dollars, and that would be a good fit for younger kids. You can also check some more expensive models as well, but we all know that children easily get bored with things. So, you should never invest too much money in something you are not sure your kid is going to use. At the end of the day, if it seems like the unit is great for your little one, and if they seem to spend enough time learning how to use it, with time, you may decide to purchase a better, bigger, and possibly more expensive item.
Additional features
Depending on the model you choose, you can get a lot of additional features. The first thing that you need to make sure you choose is a waterproof unit. Even though most of them are water-resistant, you should talk to the seller about additional equipment that may need to be placed on or around the wheels that will make them waterproof. These balancing scooters have different size wheels, and the wheels make the unit more or less stable. When you are choosing something for a child that is between 5 and 7 years old, you should know that the weight limit is usually around 160 pounds.
You can choose devices that have LED lights, and that glow in the dark. On the market, you can even find units that balance on their own, which makes them a bit safer for both young children and adults. Choose something that can be connected to your smartphone, so you know how fast your kid is going at all times. The GPS functions will also tell you where they are, so you know if your kid is respecting your rules. Depending on the model, you can choose something that is made to be used only on city roads and flat surfaces, or something that can be used anywhere, no matter the terrain.
Use this information to be the judge if hoverboards are safe for your children. Know that no matter what you choose to get, if you don’t respect the safety protocols, you always risk you and your little ones getting hurt. Always use the right equipment, and if needed, spend a few weeks teaching your child on how to use it and what to pay attention to.