There’s nothing worse than having clogged pipes inside of your home. You come back from work one day and you suddenly notice your drain is slow. Soon, it completely stops working, and a foul odor starts spreading from the sink. So, now, you have to deal with numerous expenses and a major inconvenience inside your home… And worst of all, it was something completely avoidable!
Almost all clogging issues come from people simply not paying attention to what goes down their drains. So, in this article, we’ll inform you about the top 7 items that are frequently finding their ways to the plumbing system, even though they certainly don’t belong in there.
So, without further ado, let’s protect your pipes from clogging!
1. Feminine products
Now this one is so common that many public bathrooms are starting to post signs advising against it. Everyone who has ever seen a tampon or a pad knows that these are everything but dissolvable in water. Still, some companies encourage this kind of behavior, claiming it to be more sanitary. So are these claims true or not? We don’t know, but what we do know is that your pipes would be grateful if you’d stop tossing your tampons inside of the toilet.
So, if you’re trying to prevent your pipes from getting clogged, you should dispose of your tampons somewhere away from the drains.
2. Flour
All right, you’ve been making some pancakes and it’s time for some cleanup. As tempting as it may be, washing away the excess flour and letting it go through your drains is a terrible idea. It’s no secret that, when mixed, flour and water create a lumpy structure. Still, just a bit of flour here and there can’t do much harm, right? Well, no, not really. Everything that enters the pipes that is not a liquid has the potential to accumulate and ultimately clog the drain.
So, yes, flour is a thing that should never be let down the drain if you want to avoid clogged pipes.
3. Household fluids
While not all household fluids pose a danger to your drain, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Fluids that contain potent chemicals could damage your drain pretty easily, so make sure to never risk it.
There’s also the risk of it mixing with the water supply which could be extremely toxic and dangerous. So, try not to put these types of items down your drains. Damaged pipes are more prone to clogging, so make sure to protect them from any harmful chemicals.
Of course, there are some household items that pose no risk at all, but it’s still better to avoid it. Don’t take any unnecessary risks, and make sure to regularly examine the pipes.
4. FOGs (Fat, Oil, and grease)
Fats, oil, and grease should never be poured down the sink! Make sure to reduce the possibility of this ever happening. Yes, FOGs are in a liquid state while you’re pouring them, but you’ll have to remember that these can solidify. Once they’re solid, they can clog every single drain in the house with minimal effort.
If these are the reasons behind your clogging issues, then you might want to consult a professional plumber. They’ll be able to unclog the pipes without ever damaging them.
Grease is such a common clogging issue that many states now require business owners to install a proper grease trap at their establishment. As noted at, grease traps require frequent cleaning and maintenance. So, yes, even devices designed to trap grease need some extra help in removing it; that’s how annoying it can be.
5. Coffee grounds
As unusual as it may sound, coffee grounds are the most common cause of clogged pipes. It might take a bit of extra work, but disposing of the coffee grounds before cleaning the cup can save you tons of money, time, and effort, especially in the long-run.
So, all of you coffee lovers out there: do not pour coffee grounds down the drain! While it might seem like it’s not a big deal, coffee grounds can easily accumulate and create enormous clogging issues inside of your plumbing system.
Whatever you do, keep anything remotely solid away from your drains. It doesn’t matter how small it is, if it’s not a liquid, it shouldn’t be let down the drain!
6. Rice or Pasta
We all know rice and pasta get enlarged in the water. So, next time you’re enjoying a tasty carbonara for dinner, remember to scrape your plate before you proceed to rinse it.
Like previously mentioned, anything that’s not a fluid shouldn’t be put down the sink. It’s simply too risky since it could do some permanent damage to your pipes.
Of course, if a small amount still ends up falling into the sink, it’s not that big of a deal. Just make sure it doesn’t happen frequently and you’ll have nothing to worry about.
So, yes, absorbent foods like pasta and rice are huge contributors to clogged bathrooms and kitchens all over the U.S. So, make sure to avoid putting these down the drain, and always remind yourself to “dry-clean” the dishes before rinsing them in the sink!
7. Hair
Now this one is a no-brainer. Still, many people seem to forget about the damage that big lumps of hair can do to your pipeline. So, the next time you wash your hair or decide to shave your beard, make sure to prevent the hair from entering the drain. This is fairly easy to do, so don’t worry too much about it.
Other than that, if you’re bathing your cats or other animals in the sink, make sure to protect the entry point properly.
While this might not be that simple, there are still ways to manage it, so make sure to do your research to keep your pipes clean and happy.
The conclusion
In this article, we’ve talked about some of the most common things people let down their drains. Whatever you do, make sure to only let liquids pass through your drains. If you start noticing a bigger issue, make sure to immediately contact the local plumbing service.
All in all, keep your pipes clean by not letting anything harmful get to them, and you won’t have to worry about plumbing issues for years to come!