Thinking about writing your essay and keeping the quality high and optimal? Nowadays we live busy lives, and this sometimes may prevent us from bringing amazing and high-quality content when it comes to our essays, tests, papers, or even some work-related presentations. If you wish to know how to write your essay like a pro, keep on reading and follow these practical 9 tips and tricks! Thanks to them, you will become an essay writing professional in no time!
1. Be careful, precise, and ask the right questions
Most people, when writing essays, tend to do it by their gut, and they forget to ask crucial questions. It is important to do the research on your chosen or given topic and identify the type of essay that it really is that you’re trying to achieve. Always use highlights to understand the difference between comparison, contrast, or explanations. You should invest at least an hour in doing your research on your presented topic.
2. Choose a topic that suits you, if you can
If you’re allowed to choose a topic that suits, take the opportunity, and go for something that is right up your alley. If you get to choose between several different ones, narrow your options and do the process of elimination. However, if you are given a certain topic by your professor, and you seem a bit stuck, ask them for advice and tell them that you have a writer’s blockage. They should help you out in this case.
3. Do not forget to add an outline
It is always easier to do the outline and a rough draft. Write topics, brainstorm some ideas, and capture it all down on a piece of paper and with a pen. Try to separate your essay into main categories, such as the intro, body, and conclusion. How the perfect outline should look like?
The Intro paragraph should have a bold and important first sentence and a thesis statement.
In the body paragraph, give some interesting facts, statistics, and also do a graph that will present your work.
The conclusion should be concise and filled with arguments. You could also have a call to action or any type of section for questions and audience interaction.
4. Create a powerful thesis
Make sure that your thesis is bold, interesting, as well as fun to listen to. Your thesis should carry the overall response to your question, or the problem. Your thesis should be covered and supported by true facts, you should have different book sources, as well as web sources to cover your statements. Approximately, it will take you around two hours to do this part of an essay.
5. Do an introductory paragraph
An introductory paragraph should be fascinating, and it has to capture the interest of your audience or your readers. What to do to make an interesting essay? Here are your options:
- Some people love to begin with a hook
- Others begin with a dialogue between two main characters
- You can use a quote
- Give a shocking revelation that you will connect throughout the story further down the line
In conclusion, be creative, different, and stand out from the rest.
6. Write body paragraphs
You should argue about your topic at this point since the main idea is to write something shocking and crucial, maybe even contradictory to someone else’s belief. The new paragraph will carry out and support your ideas, as well as previously stated facts. By supporting some ideas, make sure that you have relevant examples to show. This can be through quotes, facts, stats, or even pictures and graphs. It is important to cite every reference at the end of your work.
7. Write a concluding paragraph
Conclude your article and sum up your ideas, as well as your entire belief on this topic. Usually, a conclusion should be 3-5 sentences long, since this way you will summarize everything within the right time period. Do not start any new theories or conclusions at this point, and be firm, as well as confident about everything that you say, read, or end up concluding.
8. Edit your first draft, always
Never submit your article right away! You need to edit your draft and always do a bit of proofreading. How well is the structure of your article? Are you missing some key points, or did you miss out a letter or two? However, it is always best to check out the article the day after, and after you had slept, and have rested for a couple of hours.
Also, make sure that your time management and your schedules are well planned so that you don’t end up writing and doing everything at the last minute.
9. Get a bit of help
Speaking of doing everything last minute, know that there are still ways to approach this issue! In fact, you can get a bit of help if you’re feeling insecure, or if you’re running short on time. Sometimes, having someone else write the essay for you may be a good idea. This is why you should check here and find amazing customer support, high-quality work, and plagiarism-free articles that will save you so much time, patience, and will save you from unwanted stress and sweat! Everyone can find help with this service and their team of writers. If you’re feeling a bit stuck, this may be the right move for you!
Ready to have the best essays?
So, are you ready to present the best essay in front of your class? These tips and tricks will suit everyone, doesn’t matter if you are in school, college, or if you work at a company. Simply implement these tips and you will be one step closer to nailing your future projects! If you’re feeling a bit stuck or down, no worries since you can always get a team of experts to help you with your thesis, especially if you have a strict deadline!