Home Life How To Feed Your Baby Organic Food On a Budget?

How To Feed Your Baby Organic Food On a Budget?

Source: bettergoods.org

Babies are delicate creatures that require round-the-clock attention and care. It is crucial to pay special notice to what you’re feeding them as it has an impact on their digestive systems. Since the digestion structure of a baby’s body is at the growth stage until they reach the age of six months, it is prone to even the slightest of changes in its food habits and ingredients.

Shocking Secret About Infant Products!

Source: health.clevelandclinic.org

Once your infant reaches at least six months in age, it is the right time to introduce them to solid, healthy, and budget-friendly recipes! But when you check the back of the jar of the cereal, the first thing you notice is a long list of additives! From starch to sugar, syrup, corn, and so many unhealthy ingredients that an infant certainly doesn’t need!

  • Almost negligible level of nutrition is usually found in infant foods – even in organic or claiming to be healthy ones.
  • Packed baby products have no nutrition to offer except a little Vitamin A and C.
  • Processed foods contain hidden toxic chemical residues, including arsenic, pesticide, herbicide, BPA, and GMOs.

People who don’t know about the ingredients required in a baby’s food are impressed by seeing the long list. They don’t know that a baby doesn’t need to eat so much because their body is not equipped to digest it. If you want to give them the right nutrition, introduce it slowly to their diet.

What is Meant by Organic Food?

You might think that organic items are healthy and come from your local farms. But today, these products are big businesses, marketed in chain groceries, and often produced by international giants. Since they’re transported across the country, you cannot expect them to offer the same level of freshness and health benefits that you might expect from farm-grown products.

Food with organic seal indicates that it is grown, harvested, and processed according to national standards that limit the levels and residues of toxic chemicals such as pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones. If a company is selling organic item, it cannot be treated with harmful chemicals or processes, including sewage sludge, bioengineering, and ionizing radiation.

How to Save Money While Feeding an Infant Organic Food?

Source: greenmatters.com

Invest in Frozen Produce

Whenever fresh produce isn’t available or not within your means, we’d advise you to buy frozen items. They are not too expensive and are healthy as they are packed at the peak of freshness.

Most frozen items offer the same quality as fresh ones, if not better. To use them for preparing a snack for your infant, leave them in a bowl until thawed or defrost them if you’re in a hurry.

Shop Around

Source: bettergoods.org

When shopping for healthy foods, don’t stumble on the first shop you find. For budget-friendly options, explore all the grocery stores near you. Since organic food is expensive, it is tough to find it at an affordable rate.

But that does not mean all the local stores will charge the same prices! Go for the seller who charges less and check what item they’ve on sale each week. You may also purchase in bulk if you can use or store the produce without spoiling it.

Be Conventionally Smart

Organic produce is undoubtedly the best for babies until they are a year old. But if you live in a place where it is hard to find them at reasonable prices, we’d recommend using Organic’s Best baby formula as it contains no GMOs, sweeteners, and are affordable.

Plant Your Own Garden

Source: adventisthealth.org

If you’re unsure of the quality of products you buy from local stores, it is best to plant a garden of yours. There you can grow anything you like, according to the weather.

Prepare Recipes at Home

Preparing food for your infant is inexpensive compared to buying packed items. And it does feel good knowing that you’re not polluting the natural resources and dodging items that use quality packaging, plastic, and shipping. Simply separate the organic items while making dinner, blend them, and freeze.

How to Make the Food for Your Infant Organic & Affordable?

Source: verywellfamily.com

Now that we know the distressing truth about baby’s food, we hope you’ll make better decisions about their diet. The good news is – you can also make healthy, budget-friendly infant food at home. These recipes are easy to make and ensure the right amount of nutrition for healthy growth and development.

Organic items are expensive because they’re produced using non-typical methods. They are more labor-intensive, and the crop yield is also always not good. So, to help you save some money, we have listed a few organic recipes you can make at home!

  • 3 Apples + 1 Cup Spinach + 1 Cup Organic Broccoli & Peas Puree
  • 3 Sweet Potatoes + ½ Cup Coconut Milk + ½ tbsp Coriander Puree
  • 2 Frozen Mangoes + 2 Pears + ½ Cup Kale + 1 tbsp Ginger Puree
  • 2 Apples + 1 tbsp Blackberry + 1 Cup Baby Kale Puree
  • 2 Apples + ¼ Cup Spinach + ¼ Cup Frozen Peas Puree
  • 6 Apples + 4 Carrots + Spices Puree for Toddlers
  • 3 Apples + 1 Sweet Potato + 2 Carrots Cereal
  • ½ Cup Organic Quinoa Cereal for above 4-months-old infants
  • 2 Cup Pears + 1 Cup Frozen Blueberries Infant Puree
  • 2 Roasted Bananas + ⅛ Cinnamon + 3 Fresh Apples Baby Snack
  • 2 Freshly Steamed Carrots + ¼ tbsp (Pinch) Nutmeg Cereal
  • ¼ Cup Avocado + ½ Banana + ¼ Cup Pineapple Cereal for Baby

Parting Words

Whether you pick locally grown or conventional items for preparing food for your baby, they must provide them with the needed nutrition. As much as a baby requires non-sensitive and nutrient-rich items, it is equally essential to track your budget. Although you cannot compromise their health over money during the early stages, you may do so once they cross six months.

It may be because of concerns about food safety, ecology, or simply a desire to eat healthy and less processed items. Whatever be the reason, organically-produced items are undoubtedly the best for maintaining the overall well-being of an infant.