Each of us cultivates a certain love for a specific thing. Some people like computer games, some people like to read beautifully written words in the large selection of books that exist, others love music and enjoy it, and still, others like to watch recorded content such as movies or series. Every love is nurtured in a specific way, and the love of computer games is nurtured in a special way. Computer games are not just a way of wasting time, they are a way of doing something you love.
What do we mean by this? By this, we mean that the content of the game is what we would like to do in everyday life. Yes, there is truth in that. For example, people who once in their life wanted to be part of the army or the police play Counter-Strike, those who wanted to decorate homes and build homes are more fans of the game Sims, and people who love nature, animals, and fruit and vegetable growers are fans of farming simulators.
What are farming simulators? These are games in which you are in the role of a farmer who takes care of his farm. In farming simulator games such as one of the best you can find on farmingsimulator2022.com, you have the task to grow fruits, vegetables, and other plants, to raise animals, to perform activities that are an integral part of a farmer’s activities and similar. Great isn’t it?
There are several issues that are constantly being discussed about this type of game. One of the questions is whether these games are real and whether you can do something in them that you can in reality. The answer is yes, you in these editions can do the same thing you could do if you had your own farm in the reality of growing plants, animals and fulfilling the daily responsibilities that farming life imposes on you.
There is another question that is even more important and posed. It is a question of what makes people decide on this type of game. There is not just one answer to this question, but there are several answers that are completely correct. To that end, today we decided to answer this question with a few answers that we present to you in the form of 5 reasons why farming simulators are so popular.
In today’s article, through these 5 reasons, we will find out why players decide on these games from the huge selection of other games that are offered. All you have to do is not read to the end and get acquainted with the 5 reasons. Are you ready to find out the answers together? Then we can start.
1. Through them you can really learn a lot about farming and growing plants and animals

There are a lot of people who are interested in this branch. Agriculture is a great branch that connects people and nature, and this game does it in a perfect way especially for people who have a love for agriculture.
This edition is a perfect way to realistically present the processes and a way to learn more about growing plants and animals, but also about all the other responsibilities that are an integral part of the daily life of a person who lives and works in the countryside. That is why this type of edition is very popular.
2. Through them people come in contact with virtual farming
Which makes them fulfill their desire to be farmers at least virtually. Many people want or wanted to have their own space in the countryside where they could keep cows, sheep, goats, horses. and other species of animals that can be found on farms, but also grow various kinds of fruits, vegetables, and other plants.
Because this wish is a little harder to achieve in reality and requires large funds to make it happen, they want to make it happen at least virtually. These simulators are a great option for achieving these desires and that is why many people opt for them.
3. All the things that happen in the game are so real and vividly represented

The game is 100% real. There is not even 1% unreality in it. All the duties and responsibilities that appear in it are tasks and responsibilities that farmers perform in their daily lives. So you will have the task to plant plants, to irrigate them, to harvest the fruits, to take care of the animals that you keep, and all this and many other things are done in the real everyday life that a farmer lives with today who has its own space in the countryside. 100% reality that attracts all lovers of nature, plants, and animals.
4. This is the perfect way to practice farming before you start farming plants and animals and before you start as a farmer
Lot of people are thinking about starting their own farm. So before starting that process, they seek advice and guidance related to it. In order not to look for too much advice that will differ and make something more practical, they opt for this type of simulators.
Everything that is shown and done in these simulators is realistic, but it is also a better way to learn the basics of farming before you start with your idea of growing animals and plants in beautiful countryside.
5. Most importantly

These games have a positive effect on people’s behavior and their psyche – these simulators have one more thing that makes them a common choice among players. That is the calming effect they have. By taking care of their virtual property, people take their thoughts away from everyday life and enjoy what the simulator provides as a substitute for reality.
An interesting idea, isn’t it? We are sure that you have at least once wanted to play and be part of these simulators. So we advise you not to wait and start today with the arrangement and care of your property in the countryside.