Leaky roofing is probably the biggest problem anyone who has a home can face. During the storm or sometimes even during light rain, that problem can lead to significant damage to the entire interior and will have a bad impact on the attic and the entire construction of the house. It is also often very difficult to determine where the leak is, which gives everyone headaches. So as soon as you notice the slightest problem, actions must be taken. There are various signs that your roof is leaky, and we will help you by giving you tips on how to spot the problem and how to fix it.
1.Inspect the roof regularly

Of course, in case of a storm and very strong wind, you must check your roof immediately, as soon as it is safe. But you should do it regularly, too. If you notice visible damage after a storm, then it is not safe to just do it and call a professional. If seemingly everything is ok, then you can do it yourself.
2.Check attic

Your roof inspection must include a visit to the attic. Take a flashlight, preferably one that you can put on your forehead so that your hands are free. You need a free hand to be able to check everything in detail, from tiles to beams. The flashlight in your hands will only bother you, and you can’t do without it, because it is dark. Check for darker parts, as this may mean that moisture is penetrating that area. Also check if there is mold and if there is, work on removing it, as it will damage the tile.
3. Inspect the insulation

If you have insulation, you need to inspect it as well. If you have it, it will be very useful to you in this case as well, and not just in its basic function. Why is it so? Well, because it will be much easier to notice the leak if you have insulation than if you do not have it. This is because the insulation is made of materials that deteriorate faster than other things on the roof and attic, so it will be easier to spot. For more information visit insulation4less.co.uk.
Just so you know it doesn’t have to be 100 percent means that’s exactly where the leak is. It can be a few meters away, but it flows there. As we have said, it is never easy to determine the exact location of a problem.
4. The chimney can be the culprit

Many houses no longer have a chimney, but if there is, it is certainly a place where the problem may be located and you will not remember it. If you have a chimney, it probably means you have an older house. There are certainly two most common reasons why a leak can be located on a chimney. If the house is older, the mortar may have cracked due to weather conditions. The bricks are probably in good condition, but the mortar is not. Another reason is damage to the flashing. Flashigutteng are pieces of metal that are around the chimney and serve precisely to prevent leakage. But they can be damaged like anything and that is why they should be checked. It would be good to replace them every few years, it is not expensive and it will mean a lot to you. Experts from www.oahu-roofing.com even claim that nine out of ten times the culprits are metal flashings.
5. Check the gutters

Problems often lie right in the gutters. The reasons can be various, and it is often the case that they are clogged and that is why water accumulates there, instead of just passing through. If this is the case, you will easily solve the problem, just climb the ladder and clean the leaves and all other dirt. But they can also be damaged. Some of the most common damages are cracks and holes, as well as weakened girders. You can fix minor problems yourself, using metal plates or silicone. If it is a bigger problem, you need to call a professional and maybe even replace the whole gutter.
6. Pour water over the roof to find the leak

If it doesn’t rain for days and you can’t find where the problem is located, take a hose and water the roof. You will need help because while you are watering, someone will have to be in the attic looking for a problem or vice versa. Pour it part by part of the roof, so that a problem can be found, and you don’t pour all over at once and then you don’t know where the water is coming from. This is the best possible option because in this way you will expose the roof to similar conditions as during a storm or heavy rain. Then you will know if everything is completely fine, and if not, you will locate the leak. Because even though the roof may be slightly damaged and not leaking during light rain, that doesn’t mean it won’t soon deteriorate and cause additional problems.
7. Start the repair immediately

Whether you are planning it to be a DIY project or you will call professionals, don’t wait a single day to start repairing. You never know when it’s going to rain, and if you wait for rain with roof problems, you can cause yourself a big problem. If you are going to repair it yourself, start by sealing all the holes with silicone and replace the damaged tiles. Don’t ignore even the tiniest hole, because water always finds its way. Also, if you see that a tile has moved, try to put it back in place. It doesn’t have to mean it’s damaged if it has moved. But if it is damaged, you have to replace it.
And finally, we have one high tech suggestion for you. If you have a drone, you can also use it to inspect the roof. With it you can access each part completely safely. And also, if you don’t find the problem right away, you can later analyze the photos and footage and find it. Be creative even as you perform this task.