Juxtapost helps you place are your favorite things side by side. Now you can remember all the stuff that you like to be remembered using Juxtapost.
Now you do not need the bookmarking tools that no match for Juxtapost, you can put together all of your favorite photos, images that you came across browsing, to their respective collection, which are called boards in Juxtapost. Providing you a nice and efficient way to organize your stuff.
Now you can put all your bookmarks and amazing stuff within your Juxtapost and can come any time to have a look at all your bookmarks. Visit Juxtapost now.
Private Postboards
You even do not need to share all of your ideas and stuff with the rest of the world, you can create your private board to keep the visibility of stuff limited only to your self.
Share Privately
It may be necessary some time to share your ideas and bookmarks with some of your friends, you can share all privately. Besides this, there are tons of other features that will compel you to visit the website.