Smartphones have been ubiquitous for almost a decade. Advancement of mobile technology has a huge impact on our lives, whether we like it or not, or whether we admit it or not. And it affects almost all the aspects of it: personal, business, emotional, social… You name it. Whether we regularly check our emails, sports scores, check for Facebook notifications or likes on Instagram, we almost certainly do it on our smartphones, tablets or more recently smartwatches. Simply, most people can’t imagine their day without those miraculous devices or the internet in general – and that’s our reality.
There’s an app for almost everything – technology is changing extremely fast, and mobile technology is perhaps changing even faster and in so many ways. What matters is to get familiar with these alterations. Regardless of whether you use it mostly for entertainment, fun or for business, it’s good to have your finger kept on the pulse of major trends, and be up to date with it.
Here is the list of 5 mobile technology trends in 2024 that you need to pay your attention to, with reasonable expectations that they will continue trending in the near future.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Not so long ago, virtual assistants, virtual secretaries with robotic voices could only be seen in SF movies in which the distant future was predicted. In the last couple of years that distant future has started penetrating into our lives through our devices. You think we’re joking or exaggerating?
Maybe you’ve heard of some of these apps: Google Assistant, Cortana, Siri, Amazon Alexa, Bixby? Seriously – unless you aren’t using a traditional, no-internet, early 2000s cell-phone, you probably have some of these AI apps already installed on your smartphones or tablets. The extent to which they have infiltrated into mobile technology is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that hundreds of apps and companies use voice-recognition or hands-free software built-in to improve or facilitate customers’ experience.
If you already haven’t, maybe it’s time to try it by asking ‘your phone’ what the weather will be like today or to ask it to recommend you a book for tonight. ‘Cause… Why not?
2. Augmented reality (AR)
Although tightly connected to the Artificial Intelligence term, AR is a slightly different technology whose popularity is growing rapidly. Maybe it’s good to start with a simple definition: augmented reality is an experience that combines physical and digital environments. It takes something that’s real and edits it.
Is Snapchat with its face filters the first thing that comes to your mind? You’re right. Or Instagram? Correct again. We all remember the fuss about Pokémon Go when people went crazy chasing invisible things with their phones. The core concept of that game was based on AR on a smartphone device. With more than 5 million daily active users and almost a billion downloads, the popularity of AR in the mobile industry is unquestionable, and it’s future is bright and shiny.
3. Internet of Things
We’ve already mentioned how mobile devices have transformed our lives. Actually, the main purpose of building an app has primarily become to ease someone’s life. At work, on a street, or at home. Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology developed to encircle all the devices connected to the internet.
In reality, this ranges from smart heaters to smart collars for dogs, and beyond. But most of the IoT-based mobile apps are being developed to help improve consumers’ experiences within their own homes.
So for instance you can sync your home air conditioning and heating with an app. That way, you can control temperatures whether you’re home or you went on your deserved summer vacation. It’s enough to reach into your pocket and set everything via your phone. There are even smart refrigerators that connect with mobile devices, so you can see inside your fridge while you’re at the grocery store and never forget what you need to buy.
4. Increasing mobile payments
You’re at the grocery store, but you realized that you forgot your wallet? No problem, you can use your credit card. Oh, no, you forgot that as well. You only have your smartphone with you. It’s enough, just lean and hold your device close to the payments terminal and that’s it! You’re free to go.
With the rapidly increasing global economy, smartphones and the internet have become an essential commodity for an individual. This has increased the penetration of smartphones and internet users all over the world, leading to the major growth of the mobile payment market. This market was valued at 1.100 billion USD in 2019, and numbers are continuing to rise. More and more services and stores all across the world are rapidly adopting mobile payment applications, such as PayPal, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, and AliPay, to simply accept payments.
Due to rapidly-changing lifestyle and online shopping growth, this trend is expected to continue over for many years from now.
5. 5G network
Perhaps the two most used and most abused terms in 2024 so far, have been COVID-19 and 5G network. Many conspiracy theories and false stories emerged about the use of the 5G network, but there are only a few relevant facts among them. It’s hard to believe that the fourth generation (4G) of broadband cellular network technology started all the way back in 2009.
Many relevant mobile tech specialized websites and blogs have recently started to pay more than needed attention to development of this game-changing technology. And well, anyone who can click here will find many more relevant information on this topic, since websites like Major Droid tend to satisfy the need for knowledge in this sphere.
If we put all the controversies aside, 5G technology doesn’t just mean faster and more reliable cell phone connections, but anything else that uses a cellular network – such as already described Internet-of-things technology – will also receive a huge upgrade. 5G implies massive network capacity, increased availability, and more uniform experience to more users. For people living in areas lacking fiber connections, 5G offers the promise of fixed wireless access to create fast internet in the home.
Changes in technology also change the world. On our planet, there are more devices connected than people. Only 40 years ago, no one could possibly believe that all the knowledge of the world could be merged into a device that could easily fit into our pockets. And that our connection to that device would define many aspects of our lives.
In 2024, we will witness even more widespread usage of mobile technologies, and strong adoption of the trends mentioned above. The question isn’t whether our relationship to technology will change again, the question is how and when, and one thing is for sure – we won’t have to wait for a long time to find out the answers.