Several laundry detergents claim to have the potential to remove stubborn stains on any garment. But, when you use them, you discovered that they cannot fully remove the stains. Stubborn stains cling to the fabric and they are a horrible sight, especially on bright colored clothes.
Although you can hire a laundry service to remove the stains. You need to pretreat or do a quick fix to remove the stubborn stains. Here are some of the remedies and how to prevent them next time:
Ink Stains
Often you are unaware of the ink stains on your clothes, instead of being infuriated you can pretreat the stain with isopropyl alcohol and petroleum jelly. Spread the petroleum jelly around the ink stain to prevent it from spreading and remove the ink by applying isopropyl alcohol using a clean toothbrush. If the stain does not come off, you can dab mineral spirit on the stain residue then clean it with a dishwashing soap solution.
However, if the stain is caused by a permanent marker, you need a hairspray. Ensure that the hairspray has a high alcohol content. If you cannot find this kind of hairspray, use rubbing alcohol. You can do the same procedure with the ballpen stain, but at the final step, your clothes should be cleaned in the washing machine.
Next time, avoid ink stains by mindfully using them and not shaking the pen when it is already leaking.
Food Stains
As you enjoy eating greasy foods like fried chicken and pizza, you forgot the grease on your finger that you sometimes touch on your clothes. Touching your clothes will leave grease stains, prevent it by donning a table napkin when eating greasy foods. However, if the stain is inevitable, use talcum or cornmeal powder to pretreat grease stains.
Another possible food stain is from ketchup and tomato sauce. If you get stubborn stains from these condiments, you can use the vinegar solution to lift the sauce. You can finish cleaning your clothes by washing them in the washer. Use cool water and set the washing machine in a regular wash cycle.
Always watch your hands when eating or drinking, you might unconsciously rub your fingers to your clothes. The stress and hassle of removing the stubborn stains is not worth it if you can prevent it firsthand.
Meanwhile, it is common for lactating mothers to experience breastmilk stains, and these stains are hard to avoid. It is quite common for them to remove the stain daily. The same with stains from eggs and organic proteins, you have to scrape off the crusted residues. Do the scraping gently as it may damage the fabric of your clothes. After you have scraped the residues, presoak the clothes in cold water with enzymes for 5 to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, finish cleaning the clothes in the washer. Always follow the instructions in the wash label.
Coffee or Tea Stains
Morning rush and a cup of coffee on hand is prone to spills and coffee stains. Do not let the coffee seep through the fabric, or else it will become a stubborn stain. If you can pretreat the stain, do it as soon as possible.
Make a solution of white vinegar and water in 1:1 ratio. Damp a clean cloth with the solution then dab it gently on the stained area. Try your best to blot the stain, then wash your clothes after you get home.
Snow and Salt Stains
Snow and salt have calcium chloride that can leave brownish stains on your clothes. If you happen to notice brown stains on your clothes, you can pretreat it with a vinegar solution (1:1 ratio of white vinegar and water). Use a clean towel and damp it with the solution, blot the stain by dabbing the towel inwards, from the edge of the stain towards the center.
After the procedure, wash your clothes with warm water and dish soap. Gently rub the stain with the damp towel again. Finish cleaning your clothes by throwing it in the washing machine.
Sweat Marks
Sadly, sweat marks do not have an emergency remedy. You have to prewash the clothes with a stain remover before cleaning them in a washer. Set the washer under the hottest water setting possible that is recommended on the wash tag of the clothes.
It is better to prevent having sweat marks than dealing with the yellow stains. Wear an armpit pad or undershirt and avoid using antiperspirant deodorants. This type of deodorant is the known culprit for those yellow sweat stains.
Can Dry Cleaning Remove Stubborn Stains?
If you can pretreat your clothes immediately, the stains will not ruin your clothes that much. However, if you let it seep into the fabrics, it might be hard for you to fully remove the stains Thus, if you can tend your clothes immediately, do so, to prevent ruining them.
You can pretreat your clothes with the quick and easy home products. Pretreating the stain can remove it visibly, but the clothes may still experience discoloration on the fabric if it is not washed properly.
Dry clean your clothes in a washer to ensure the unnoticeable stains are removed effectively. Always follow the instructions indicated in the wash tag. However, if you do not have a washer at home, you can always hire a laundry service and let the experts handle your stained clothes. There are thousands around the globe. If you’re in New York, you can check out Dry cleaning removes most stains that it barely requires additional effort from the cleaner.
Final Thoughts
These fixes are easy and quick to apply on stains, but it is easier and better to prevent having these types of stubborn stains. Be mindful in your daily activities to prevent having stains. However, you happened to have stubborn stains and the quick fix is not effective, ask assistance from excellent laundry services.
If you think the home remedies cannot save your clothes, hire a laundry service that offers dry cleaning services. They are experts in the field, laundry experts know which products are safe to use and which can completely eliminate any kind of stubborn stains without damaging your clothes.