Top 10 Sites like eBay: We are living in a world of endless possibilities. This was made possible due to the advancement in science and information technology. The Internet has given the power to the user to do anything they from the comfort of their room within minutes and seconds. Online businesses are now easier to set up with E-commerce sites.
Selling and buying products have never been that easy. E-commerce sites are here to remove all the geographical barriers which means that you can place an order of a product that is not available in your country and get it delivered to your door. E-commerce has benefited both businesses and consumers alike.
The first name that comes to mind when you think of buying and selling online is eBay. eBay was the first one to take the E-commerce to the next level is most responsible for setting the standard and making E-commerce popular among the masses. Although, there are many sites like eBay out there most of them tried to follow the footsteps of eBay which is an achievement in itself.
Here is a list of sites like eBay: Top 10 eBay alternatives
Amazon deserves to be placed at the top spot on this list due to multiple reasons. It is the best eBay alternatives for businesses that are looking to take their business to the next level. It was established in the same year as eBay and both sites are very popular among the masses.
Amazon initially started as a bookstore but later expanded and brought health, sports goods, groceries, beauty products, and consumer electronics to name a few categories on offer on this site.
If you are looking for the best auction site and an eBay alternative, visit eBid and buy or sell anything without any hassle. It has expanded its operations in more than 100 countries for buyers but allows sellers from 20 countries which can be a drawback.
This site made up for this shortcoming by offering support for multiple online payment options such as Pay-pal, Money bookers, Google Checkout. Listing an auction is free and you will have to pay once you selling is complete. There are different membership options catering to different demands of users.
Etsy is quite new to this domain and comes forward with a new twist on things. It is focused on selling homemade products. Art, clothing, jewelry, handicrafts are some of the most popular sections of these sites.
You can sell your products by placing an ad on this site for a nominal free or can set up your own online store to sell home-made creations. The brilliant search algorithm used by the site brings more traffic to your ads and online store. These features make this website stand out from other sites like eBay.
Overstock is an old name in the field of E-commerce but it has grown in popularity recently. If you are looking for the best deals at a bargain price, overstock is for you. It started by selling surplus goods at even lower prices than wholesale prices.
Overstock is quite similar to Amazon after it has jumped into its own merchandise. You are not allowed to sell products but it is the best site for finding the product at a throwaway price. If you are a budget-conscious consumer, don’t miss this site.
Webstore is a site for those who want to pay a minimal cost to enjoy maximum freedom. Buyers and sellers can take advantage of this site. Buyers can easily get the top deals and sellers don’t have to pay anything to place an auction. Setting up an online store is very easy with this site. Exclusive features, this site provides has helped it come in the good books of buyers and sellers alike.
This website earned a lot of fans in the UK and trying to do the same in the US, Canada, and Australia. You will love this site if you love in any one of the above-mentioned countries. Low fees and fraud prevention features may attract many customers.
You have to pay one time when you are making an account which is a different approach as compared to other sites like eBay. I am sure once you visit this website you will find you have been looking for an amazing site full filling all your needs that eBay does.
If you are looking to earn more profits from your auction and want to get rid of annoying fees charged by other auction sites like eBay, this site will fit the bill. You will not be charged sales fees and any auction fee like other sites like eBay.
You just have to pay once after you have sold the product. You can create an online store, promote it and sell products. The search makes this website unique. You can use the search option to reach a product you want to buy in seconds. It is the best easy to use the site for auction.
Are you in search of a website that can provide you both auction and fixed price shopping? If your answer is yes, head over to this website to get a dose of fixed-price shopping and auctions. Only approved sellers are allowed to auction or sell products on these websites.
What this does is make sure all products are legal and real. No fake products can be sold on this site. Another that separates uBid from other sites like eBay is refurbished consumer electronics. You can buy refurbished home appliances, laptops, etc at an affordable price.
Online Auction
This auction site was created to innovate and change the online auction industry for good. The online auction charges a monthly fee instead of other fees which is a completely different way of doing business as compared to other sites like eBay. An online store is the best option for those who want to sell a lot of items regularly because they can save a lot of money through this site. On the other hand, this makes this site useless for small sellers.
You might disagree with me on placing such a brilliant site so low in the list but the main reason for doing so is that it is geared towards a certain audience only. The main focus of this website is jewelry and accessories. You can find all the famous brands on this site and can get jewelry at an affordable price. Inexpensive shipping rates make this website a good eBay alternative for jewelry lovers.