Best Shopify Alternative
In this article, you are going to find what I think the best Alternative to Shopify and the top Shopify Alternative in terms of other options. You can go with, if you’re trying to move away from Shopify or if, if you just heard so much about Shopify and you’re trying to figure out are there any other options out there, I’m here to tell you that there definitely are plenty of options.
I can’t deny the fact that Shopify is one of the top e-commerce platforms for creating an online store.
But some of these other platforms might be more useful for your company. So for example, there might be one that’s a little bit cheaper if you’re on a budget or there might be one with particular features that you would like to try out. So, let’s get into it.
1. Bigcommerce
I’m already on the website the first Shopify alternative is Bigcommerce. Now you might have heard about this one already.
Basically, it is an industry leader with a comprehensive set of standard e-commerce platform features and plenty of extras on top of it. So it comes with an app store but there are so many features already built-in, I would argue that it actually has more pre-built or built-in features than Shopify and then you still get access to a really nice App Store. The themes are very nice if we go.
Well, you can take a look at the features, if you’d like to there are plenty of resources case studies pricing is definitely worth looking into and then it’s actually quite affordable.
If you are looking to save a little bit of money, as you can see the standard here starts at 29.95 per month. So that’s pretty good. It’s on par with most of the competitors out there.
I would argue that it’s a little bit higher than most options out there. However, the good thing is that Bigcommerce grows with your business. It’s known for that. There are plenty of huge companies out there that run. Are their entire operation on Bigcommerce a great example would be Jeni’s Ice Cream.
If you’ve ever heard of them, there’s plenty near me and then, you can scroll down here and see all of the other businesses that are working on the big Commerce platform. So, if you plan on being a rapidly growing company, then you might look into Bigcommerce as your eCommerce solution. You can read more about the Bigcommerce platform here.
2. Volusion
Volusion is also a very popular Shopify alternative. With plans and prices just about at par with Shopify, you know ranging from about 15 dollars per month to a 135.00 dollars a month.
Let’s take a look. Let’s see what the pricing is. They do change quite a bit. So they actually have changed since the last time I’ve checked so they have $29 per month, which is actually a little bit higher than they’ve had in the past.
Then we go for a professional plan. By 79.00 dollars a month and $299.00 per month, but, they have added quite a bit. You can get a limited products storage all that good stuff.
You’ll notice that Volusion really is stepping up their game to compete with Shopify Bigcommerce. They have lots of features to match including hundreds of modern responsive themes.
One of the things that you might consider, I mean there are plenty of themes from or templates from each of these e-commerce platforms, if you, if that’s one of your main priorities, is to just get the design down from the start then you might consider looking.
All of the themes from the top platforms and choosing based on that and then making sure of course that you have the features that you need. But like I said Volusion is definitely one of the top Shopify Alternative. Read more about What is Volusion eCommerce Platform
3. Squarespace
Squarespace is also a Shopify alternative. It’s pretty interesting because Squarespace is one of the newer players in the game and it started just like a website builder so you actually couldn’t get that much e-commerce functionality on it. It but that’s changed.
You can go on the website and take the tour and kind of see what’s going on. One thing you’ll notice with Squarespace is they’re really focused on the visual aspects of your website.
If you plan on having just incredible photos on there and you still plan on selling products then Squarespace would definitely be one platform to consider.
Let’s go ahead here and look at the Squarespace price. There are websites which are kind of what I was talking about before it’s just basic web sites for any business $12, $18 per month.
But if you want an online store, it starts at $26 a month which, isn’t that bad as we’ve seen compared to the other platforms and then Advanced is going to be $40 a month.
You can scroll through here to see what types of features you may want. Don’t you know if you want subscriptions or abandoned cart recovery or things like gift cards? You’re going to have to go with the advanced plan?
4. LemonStand
Now one of my favorites is kind of an underdog in the e-commerce platform game. It’s called LemonStand and I’ve seen a lot of creatives use this trying to sell their whether it’s a subscription or just like a smaller retail brand but it really does allow you to be more Visual and creative.
It’s great for building like beautiful online stores, they have a lot of flexibility as well. There’s automation.
And customers have launched stores that one trade show awards found. It startups that received High accolades from internet industry pundits. And, it’s lemon stand definitely has plenty of features and creativity options to really get the word out there about your company.
If we go ahead here looks like they also help you mark migrated from places like Shopify Bigcommerce Magento. But I would recommend checking out LemonStand because their themes are really nice and if you take a look at the pricing $19 a month, that’s not too bad.
That’s kind of low actually when you think about it, but you can jump up 69.00 dollars a month and you take a look at all their features. They do have quite a bit here.
5. 3dcart
So moving on we have something called 3d cart and if you’ve ever heard of this before it’s probably because it’s been around a little bit longer than some of the other newer options as you can see, it allows you to hopefully rank higher and sell more.
This is, one of the ones that I kind of like it’s kind of in the middle in terms of my recommendations, but if you take a look at the pricing Um is a little bit cheaper than some of the other options for a start-up store.
There are no transaction fees being pulled from this and the bank of basic store actually is about on par with the options like Bigcommerce and Shopify.
So I would recommend taking a look at this their themes are pretty nice. I have I do think they’ve improved over the past few years. So yeah, feel free to take a look.
6. Big Cartel
Big Cartel is also another Shopify alternative since that’s what we’re covering right now and it’s one of my favorites because it’s made in particular for artists and creatives as you can see on the website that way because of that they try to keep it as cheap as possible and they allow you to get really creative with your designs and many of the pre-built designs are made just for those types of people.
If we scroll through the website, you might be marketing something like a portfolio. But you also still want to sell some of those prints.
So it makes sense to go with an option like Big Cartel, Shopify and Bigcommerce They Don’t Really cater to artists like that.
let’s take a look at the pricing really quick just so you can see, $9.99 a month. That’s 425 products, but that’s pretty good. Especially if you’re selling digital items or if you’re selling your art, you might not have as many products as some other online stores and then you have plan $19.99 that’s cheaper than most of the solutions we’ve looked at so far.
So, yeah, it’s just one thing to keep in mind. And of course, I almost forgot this they do have a free plan.
It’s five products one image per product and you would have to do the BigCartel.com domain, but that’s a great way to test or start a small business. Out you don’t have to be stuck on a free trial. You can actually sell your products to people on an actual website. So that’s really nice.
7. CoreCommerce
Now as we’re winding down here we have about three more solutions Core Commerce is probably one of the lesser-known options.
I actually never found out about it until just recently but you can click on the pricing and, they have far more plans to choose from And in my mind, that means that there’s actually a little bit more flexibility, they’re trying to say like hey if you just want to pay $19, maybe you don’t need all the features that we’re offering some of our higher-paying clients Pioneer 41 Progressive. So there’s a little bit more flexibility in terms of growing your business and they do have nice themes.
They offer quite a few options for like Marketplace Integrations and Hooking up two different payment processors.
I have taken a look at some of their themes and they seem pretty modern easy to work with and these are all free right here. So, if you’re looking to cut costs or stay within a budget you might consider Core Commerce as your Shopify alternative.
8. WooCommerce
And another very popular Shopify alternative is called WooCommerce. It works with WordPress.
Which if you haven’t heard of those they are well WordPress is a Content management system and WoocCmmerce is a plug-in for that CMS. And basically it means that you’re going to be hosting your own store.
So you’re going to have to go and find a host and set up your WordPress site on that server, whereas options like Shopify and Bigcommerce. They kind of do all that for you.
However, WooCommerce is very very flexible. It allows you to Expand your website with all sorts of plugins you can get in there. If you want to, use your own custom code or hire someone to do that for you.
But just remember it’s it probably is going to be a little bit more of a challenge. So if you’re up for that or if you have development experience WooCommerce is a really great choice, especially if you’ve worked on WordPress before and keep in mind we’re WooCommerce is completely free WordPress is completely free.
That doesn’t mean you’re not going to spend anything. You might buy a theme or a plug-in or something like that, but it does allow you to keep your cost pretty low at least at the beginning.
9. PrestaShop
Last but not least we have Prestashop. This is another feature Rich and free platform that even gives you a choice to use their hosted service or go the self-hosted way. So that’s really interesting because most of the Other options don’t provide that choice with WooCommerce.
You have to host your website with let’s say Shopify or Bigcommerce. You have to go with their own hosted service. One thing with Prestashop is the add-ons will cost you money. But the basic platform is completely free.
It’s certainly a viable alternative to Shopify. That’s all we have for our top Shopify Alternative. we covered 9 in there. They’re all really good. Obviously, each one has some advantages and some downsides.
So I would recommend, using this article as a guide as opposed to, immediately making your decision based on this article, pick out maybe two or three that sound pretty good based on pricing or the feature set or, how the themes look but, that’s all I have.